I promise the upcoming post will actually be decent, it's just taking me a long time seeing as though I have quite a bit of devoirs at the moment, plus it's quite descriptive and I inevitably labour over each sentecne for ages, slowing overall progress to a snail's pace, as it were. Here are the aforementioned funny french sentences, but perhaps only if you speak french:
- "Je me réveille plutôt tôt pour avoir le temps de prendre mon temps". Meaning: I wake up rather early so as to have enough time to take my time.
- "On en a envie". Meaning: We feel like it.
- "Sa propre chambre propre". Meaning: His/her own clean bedroom.
- Teacher: "Quel est le temps aujourd'hui?" Dumbshit student: "Jeudi". Meaning: "What is the weather like today?" "Thursday."
I seem to recall the teacher/dumbshit student exchange actually taking place, though it's slipped my mind which student it was. I could probably narrow it down to a particular group of desks.