Thursday, December 23, 2010

From my childhood: Road Trips.

Before my dad moved overseas (and us with him most holidays), we used to take a bunch of road trips around the South Island. I was pretty young, but a few memories stand out as funny, or... well yeah, mostly funny. Here they are:

1) The Scottish Cow incident.
I used to think my older brother was quite the comedian. In hindsight, however, he mostly just made straightforward observations and wittied them up with an accent. One time, we had a car towing a caravan of cows in front of us, only their black and white splattered heads visible. For some reason, James fancied them Scots, and proceeded to say "I'm a Scottish cow" in what I believed was a great Scottish accent. We all laughed until my parents got mad.

2) Ice cream in the wind.
Of course, we all needed to eat from time to time. Enjoying our respective flavours in the back seat of the car, no one could foresee what would happen next. Deeming himself full, James casually tossed his vanilla out the window. I saw it shoot by in the breeze momentarily, before a loud honking sounded behind us- the car following, stuck with James' cone directly on its windscreen. I've been telling that one for a while, but can never make it to the end.

3) Green grass.
We played Eye-Spy, among other things, to pass the time. Having successfully guessed my sister's item, doubtless something cheeky like "weather", I took pleasure in announcing "...something beginning with...F!", and then giggling and shaking in my head as they speculated in vain. After 5 minutes, the jig was up, and it was time to confess. "It was Green Grass!"

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